Tuesday, December 30, 2008

book chapter 2

From Chapter Two of the book, Become A Better You by Joel Osteen…

Give Your Dreams A New Beginning

If you will have the right attitude, you will give birth to more in the future than you’ve lost in the past. Quit looking back. This is a new day. It may seem like your dreams have died, but God can resurrect your dead dreams or give you brand-new ones. He is a supernatural God and when we believe, all things are possible.

God has not given up on you; He knows that He put seeds of greatness in you. You have something to offer that nobody else has. He’s given you noble dreams and desires. Too often, however, we allow adversities, disappointments, and setbacks to deter us.

Unfortunately, the enemy knows something about what’s on the inside of you, as well. He knows the potential you’re carrying, so he does everything he can to keep that seed from taking root. He doesn’t want your gifts and talents to flourish. He doesn’t want you to accomplish your dreams. He wants you to live an average, mediocre life.

Life may have tried to push you down through disappointments or setbacks. In the natural, you don’t know how you could rise any higher. You don’t see how you’re ever going to be happy. You need to dig your heels in and say, “I know what I have on the inside. I’m a child of the Most-High God. I’m full of His ‘can-do’ power, and I’m going to rise up to become everything God has created me to be.”

You may have had more than your share of unfair, negative experiences. But know this: God wants to do a new thing. He wants to give you a new beginning. Don’t give up. Don’t go around thinking that you’ve peaked; that you’ve reached your limits in life.

I know our God, and he is all-powerful. He has more in store for you. My question for you is: Can you perceive it? Can you make room for it? The first place it starts is in your thinking. If your thinking is limited, then your life is going to be limited.

When one door closes, God will always open another. If all the doors close, He’ll open a window! God always wants to give you a fresh beginning. He still has a great plan for your life. Do you know when that’s going to happen? It will commence the moment you quit looking back. Whenever you quit grieving over what you’ve lost. Nothing will keep you from the good things of God as much as living in the past.

If you can’t find anybody to encourage you, learnt o encourage yourself. Get up in the morning, put your shoulders back, look in the mirror, and say, “I’ve come too far to stop now. I may be knocked down, but I’m not knocked out. I’m going to get back up again. I know I’m a victor, not a victim.”

You must keep yourself stirred up if you’re going to see these new doors open.

Keep pressing. Keep believing. You were not made to be average; you were made to excel. You were made to leave your mark on this generation. At the start of each new day, remind yourself: “I am talented. I am creative. I am greatly favoured by God. I am equipped. I am well able. I will see my dreams come to pass.” Declare those statements by faith and before long, you will begin to see them in reality.

Many times, the adversities, the unfair situations are the results of the enemy’s efforts, attempting to discourage us and to deceive us into giving up on our dreams. You may feel as if you’re at an empty place in life today. Not much is going your way. You’ve been through severe difficulties. But God wants to restore you, to encourage you, to fill you with His hope. He wants to resurrect your dreams. He wants to do a new thing.

Remind yourself that God is still in complete control of your life. If you’ll keep your trust in Him, He promises that no weapon formed against you will prosper. Your situation may seem unfair, it may be difficult; it may seem that the forces working against you are winning momentarily, but God said He’d turn your circumstances around and use them to your advantage.

The Scripture says, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy is coming in the morning.”

You’ve got to get your dreams back. Get your fire back.

You’ve got more in you. Push yourself a bit. What you are hoping for may not have happened in the past, but this is a new day. If you’ll keep pressing, hoping, believing, not only will you rise higher, but also you’ll see things begin to change in your favour.

Perhaps a relationship didn’t work out. For everything that you’ve lost, everything that’s been stolen, everything that’s been taken away, know this: God has another plan. He has another seed.

God uses the word seed because that hints at what is coming. Remember, if you will do your part to let go of the old, and start pressing forward, you will give birth to more in the future than you’ve lost in the past.

If you’ve made mistakes, know this: God is the God of a second chance, a third chance, a fourth, and more. I’m not saying to take the easy path and bail out of a marriage. No, if at all possible, stick with that marriage and make it work. However, if you’re already past that point,. Don’t sit around thinking that life is over and that you’re never going to be happy. No, God has another seed. He wants to give you a new beginning.

What happened in your past is not nearly as important as what is in your future. Where you are going is much more important than where you’ve been.

Don’t let disappointment become the central theme of your life. Quit mourning over something you can’t change

Maybe you’ve allowed other people to convince you that you’re never going to rise higher, that you will never see your dreams come to pass. It’s been too long. You’ve messed up too severely.

Don’t believe those lies. Instead, take courage from the Old Testament character Caleb. When Caleb was a young man, he and Joshua were part of an exploratory spy mission to determine the strength of the enemy before God’s people moved into the land God had promised them. The majority tried to talk Moses and the rest of the children of Israel out of pressing forward into the blessings that God promised them. They were all too willing to settle for second best, to dwell for the rest of their lives right where they were. They spent the next forty years spinning their wheels and wandering around aimlessly in a desert. They died, and God raised up an entire new generation of people.

By then, Caleb was eighty-five years old, but he hadn’t given up on the dream God had placed in his heart. He told Joshua that he was still as strong as he was when the promise first came to him.

Caleb went back to the exact same place; the same mountain that the others had feared to climb. He said, “God, give me this mountain.” Caleb was saying in effect “I don’t want another place to live. I still have this dream in my heart.”

Caleb said, “I don’t care how many obstacles are there. God promised me this place. Although it is forty years later, I’m going to keep pressing; I’m going to keep believing until I see that promise fulfilled.”

That’s the kind of attitude we need to have. We give up too easily.

Don’t allow complacency to keep you from seeing God’s promises fulfilled in your life.

You cannot hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life. If all your friends are depressed and defeated and have given up on their dreams, make some changes. Let’s be honest: You’re probably not going to pull them up; more likely, if you continue to spend too much time in their presence, they will pull you down.

Put yourself in a healthy, positive, faith-filled environment. It doesn’t matter how great the potential in the seed, if you don’t put it in good soil, it will not take root and grow.

Create a positive environment. Be careful with whom you associate, especially when you feel emotionally vulnerable, because negative people can steal the dream right out of your heart.

You need to hang around other dreamers – not daydreamers, but people with big goals, people who plan to do something significant with their lives. Hang around people who are going to help you become all God created you to be.

God is saying this is a time of new beginnings. Get your fire back. Get your passion back.

Start stretching your faith once again. Get up each morning expecting good things to happen. And remember, God is on your side. He loves you. He’s for you. The Scripture says, “If you put your trust in Him, you will not be disappointed.”

My Ultimate Year-End Encouragement

My daily devotional for today…

Looking For A Shortcut?

1st Thessalonians 5:24 –
He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.

The sign read: Danger! Stay On Pathway. But the four hikers ignored the warning and began their climb. Their reasoning: the sooner we get to the top, the more time we will have to explore the cave-like overhangs along the rocky face of the mountain.

Halfway up the precipice, the third man back lost his footing on some loose rocks. In an instant, the last two men went tumbling backward down the steep incline. On their way down, they frantically grabbed at small bushes and weeds, hoping to slow their descent. But nothing worked.

Finally they came to a stop. Cut, bruised, and one suffering from a broken arm, they concluded that taking the shortcut had not been worth their effort. In fact, they had almost cut short the lives of two best friends.

Very few shortcuts in life are worth the time and energy to travel them. We may get by here and there; but in the end, if we decide to take a way other than what God has mapped out for us, we come out the losers.

If you feel God is taking a long time in fulfilling His promises to you, think again about how much He loves you and is dedicated to your growth and success. Don’t get in a hurry. Whatever He has for you, it’s worth the wait. Eternity is His, and you can trust this fact; He won’t forget His promises to you (1st Thess. 5:24).

Lord, sometimes it seems it is taking a long time for Your promises to be fulfilled. Help me not to be in a hurry. Your plan is worth the wait. Let me travel the way You have mapped out for me.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Beauty, Part 1

Beauty is subjective.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

True beauty is not skin-deep.

There are many outwardly beautiful women who do not have the personality to match. Do they still qualify as beautiful?

What is true beauty?

God says that true beauty comes from within. I tend to believe Him; after all, He is God, our Creator, and He would know!

Of course…I am not God.

What I intend to do here, in this blog, is to unravel the mystery that you have all been clamouring for (not!); who does Dredd Sweet find beautiful?

For the most part, I am going to take the easy way out, and go with mere physical beauty. It is easier on the brain, and definitely easier on the eyes (wink wink, nudge nudge)!

So, I will soon be posting Part Two of this blog, wherein I will list my Top Twenty-Five most beautiful girls in the world, as seen by Dredd Sweet.

Stay tuned!


The following passages come from a book I was given as a gift this Christmas, Joel Osteen’s “Become A Better You”…

I wonder how many times God tells us that He wants to do something great in our lives, that we are going to be healthy and well; we are going to get out of debt. We feel it strongly, but like the woman at the well (John chapter 4), we start thinking about what we don’t have, and all the obstacles in our path, and before long, we’ve talked ourselves out of God’s best.

“That could never happen for me. I don’t have the education; I don’t have the talent; I don’t have the discipline. I’ll never break this addiction; I’ll never accomplish my dreams.” No, you must quit looking at what you don’t have, and start believing that all things are possible.

Don’t get stuck in a rut in your attitude, your career, or your marriage. You have incredible potential within you – much more than you may realize! God is not limited to the laws of nature. He can do what human beings cannot. The key is to get your eyes off your problems and onto your God.

When God puts a dream in your heart, it may look impossible in the natural. Every voice may tell you it will never happen. “You’ll never break that addiction. You’ll never accomplish your dreams. You’ll never be happy.” But if you will believe and stay in faith, and expect good things, you too can defy the odds.

Some people are always looking back, focused on their hurts and pains. Other people are looking down, living in self-pity, and complaining that life is not fair. The key to rising higher is to keep looking to where you want to go. Dream big dreams! Don’t focus on where you are today; keep a positive vision and see yourself accomplishing your goals and fulfilling your destiny.

Other people’s opinions do not determine your potential. What they said or what they think about you does not change what God has placed on the inside. Don’t allow negative words or attitudes to take root and keep you from pressing forward. God may be asking you today, “Who told you that you were too small? Who told you that you aren’t intelligent? Who told you that you don’t have the necessary talent?”

God would not have put the dream in your heart if he had not already given you everything you need to fulfill it. That means if I have a dream or desire, and I know it’s from God, I don’t have to worry whether I have what it takes to see that dream fulfilled. I know God doesn’t make mistakes. He doesn’t call us to do something without giving us the ability or the wherewithal to do it.

You have to realize that God has matched you with your world. In other words, even though at times you may not feel that you are able to accomplish your dreams, you have to get beyond those feelings and know deep inside, I have the seed of Almighty God in me. Understand, God will never put a dream in your heart without first equipping you with everything you need to accomplish it. If you feel that you don’t have the necessary wisdom, talent, ability, or resources, simply remind yourself, God has matched me with my world. He has already put in me what I need.

God will never ask you for something without first depositing it within you. If you will dare to take a step of faith, you will discover gifts inside that you never before realized were there.

Don’t let the size of your dream or the vastness of God’s calling on your life intimidate you. Moreover, don’t allow naysayers in your path to keep you from pressing forward.

So what if other people say I can’t succeed? So what if someone tries to pull me down; so what if a person doesn’t believe? I am not going to allow their actions, attitudes, or comments to cause me to give up on my God-given dreams. I’ll not allow their unbelief to influence my faith.

Too often, when we suffer some kind of rejection or disappointment, we get so discouraged that we settle right where we are. “I guess it wasn’t meant to be,” we rationalize. Or “I thought I could go out with that attractive person, but maybe I am not good-looking enough.” Or “I thought I could get the promotion, but I tried and failed. Maybe I don’t have the talent. It didn’t work out.”

When disappointment or rejection knocks you down, get back up and go again. We give up too easily on our dreams. We need to understand that just as God supernaturally opens doors, sometimes God supernaturally closes doors. And when God closes a door, it’s always because He has something better in store. So just because you’ve come to a dead end, that’s not the time to give up. Find a different route and keep pressing forward.

Often, out of our greatest rejection comes our greatest direction. When you come to a closed door, or something doesn’t work out in your life, instead of seeing that as the end, regard that as God nudging you into a better direction. Yes, sometimes it’s uncomfortable; sometimes we may not like it. But we cannot make the mistake of just sitting back and settling where we are.

Perhaps you have bigger things in your heart than your present environment can facilitate. That’s why, at times, God will stir you out of a comfortable situation. When you go through persecution and rejection, it’s not always because somebody has it in for you. Sometimes that’s God’s way of directing you into His perfect will. He’s trying to get you to stretch to the next level. He knows you’re not going to go without a push, so He’ll make it uncomfortable for you to stay where you are currently. The mistake we make at times is getting negative and sour; we focus on what didn’t work out. When we do that, we inhibit the opening of new doors.

Throughout life, we’re not always going to understand everything that happens along the way. But we’ve got to learn to trust God. We’ve got to believe that He has us in the palm of His hand, that He is leading and guiding us, that he always has our best interests at heart.

I know people who have experienced rejection in their personal relationships. Maybe their marriage didn’t work out. They put all those years into it and now they’re hurt, dejected, going around defeated and not expecting anything good.

I don’t believe that divorce is God’s best. Unfortunately, sometimes it is unavoidable. If you have been through a divorce, understand that God still has another plan for your life. Just because somebody rejected you or walked out of your life and left you hurt, that doesn’t mean you should retreat and settle where you are. That rejection did not change what God put on the inside of you. It doesn’t mean that you cannot yet be happy. When one door closes, if you will keep the right attitude, God will open another door. But you have to do your part and keep pressing forward. Too many people get bitter, they get angry, and they start to blame God. Instead, let that hurt go. You may not understand it, but trust God and move on with your life. Don’t look at it as the end. Look at it as a new beginning. Somebody may have rejected you, but you can hold your head up high knowing this: God accepts you. God approves you. And He has something better in store.

Give birth to what God has placed in your heart. Don’t let other people talk you out of your dreams. Listen to what God says about you, not all the negative voices. When you face rejection and disappointment, know that God has another plan. God has something better in store. You may not have experienced God’s favour in the past, but this is a new day. Your best days are in front of you. God is going to show you more of His blessings and favour, and you will become a better you, better than you even dreamed possible.

What if I told you that after reading these passages, I realize that God gave me a dream for my life, a goal, something to reach for, and He did it this year? What if I said that I know that He has placed a mission upon my heart? What if I told you that I lost my way, when rejection hit? And what if I said that this is inspiring me to keep believing for the impossible, the improbable, and the highly-unlikely…because these are the things that God specializes in? What will my life look like, if I catch hold of that dream again, seek God’s face, and believe that He will undertake to bring that dream to fruition, in spite of the obstacles in the way? What if I said that now, more than ever, I understand that God is a God of the miraculous, He is the God of promise, the always-faithful One?

What would you think of me, God, if I chose to pick up where I left off, and keep believing for the dream that You planted in my heart, keep believing that You have equipped me to meet this dream head-on, and that You can bring the impossible dream to life because nothing is impossible with You?

And this is from my Daily Devotional today...

Room for Miracles

“I will not believe it until I see the nail marks in His hands and…put my hand into His side.”
John 20:25 (NCV)

In our world of budgets, long-range planning and computers, don’t we find it hard to trust in the unbelievable? Don’t most of us tend to scrutinize life behind furrowed brows and walk with cautious steps? It’s hard for us to imagine that God can surprise us. To make a little room for miracles today, well, it’s not sound thinking.

We make the same mistake that Thomas made: we forget that “impossible” is one of God’s favorite words.

How about you? How is your imagination these days? When was the last time you let some of your dreams elbow out your logic? When was the last time you imagined the unimaginable?…Has it been awhile since you claimed God’s promise to do “more than we can ask or imagine?” (Eph. 3:20)

Huh. Seems to be a lot of talk swirling about the miraculous, about not giving up, about faith and believing in spite of what you see. Lots of talk about dreams that God gives us, things He wants us to accomplish in life.


I'm picking up on something here. My life has been swirling around in the dust for a few months now. I lost the dream that I had, and God has never given me another one. Perhaps, finally, God is awakening my faith, drawing me to Him, and putting me back on the path that I am supposed to be on...

Perhaps the fulfillment of my dream, is yet to come, at some point in the future, if I will but trust God and believe in faith for the miraculous...

Perhaps God is telling me, that there is hope for me yet. I haven't failed, I have merely gotten sidetracked by disappointment. There is still a calling to be fulfilled.

Thank You, Lord.

Thank You.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

As Promised

As promised, here are photos of my finished tattoo!

Introducing Tigra, world's bestest super-hero(ine)!

Click on the photos to see them much larger!


Thanks to all who made Christmas '08 special by remembering me; I love you all.

Mom and Dad, Shiray and Keegan, thank you for the gifts, they were very thoughtful and given (and received) with love.

Anybody who sent me a card, e-card, or anything else, they have not been received, but I am sure that if you sent them then they are coming! But, luckily, it isn't about gifts, it isn't about what you do or do not get - it is about Jesus, and celebrating humanity's greatest gift (as given by God the Father) with those you love.

Yes, yes, I know...yes, I am one of those weird people who open gifts at 1 in the morning. Hey, I am a bachelor - I do what I want to do!

To all my family, friends, and loved ones, I wish you nothing but the best for this special day, and the rest of the year and beyond. May Jesus the Christ richly bless you with every good and perfect gift.

Did you sing Happy Birthday to Jesus yet? I did...unashamedly so. What is not to like about the birthday of our Saviour?

God is good; that is why He is God.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

That Time of Year

Well, before it gets too late to do so, I thought I should wish all of my friends and family a Merry Christmas!

So sorry, I did not mail out any cards or a newsletter this year, nor do I plan on making many (if any) phone calls on the big day. My life as a single person is just sssoooooooooo busy [ I am rolling my eyes up and back into my head now... ] that I have no time for any of that stuff. He he.

Anyhoo, hope your holiday time is great! I am keeping you all in my prayers.

Also, once I get my camera batteries recharged, I will be taking photos of my newly-finished tattoo and posting it here, so look for that soon!

Ta-ta, and Merry Ho-Ho!

Don't forget, Jesus is the Reason for the season! Sing Him Happy Birthday on His special day!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

a quick heart-2-heart

When you can love yourself and accept yourself for who you are, then you can love and accept other people just as they are, without expecting them to change to suit you.

Unfortunately, many of us face a conumdrum when it comes to love. When we fall in love, we eventually start to feel that we need the other person to complete us. Once we come to this place, trouble looms ahead. We lose our sense of self, in getting so wrapped up in another. Then we start to make internal demands on the other person in order to make us happy and complete-feeling. We have ceased to love and accept ourselves, as we are, in our need for the other person, and thus we begin to lose the ability to love and accept others just as they are.

The trick is, to find a way to keep feeling good about yourself as an independant person, while in a relationship with another. Keep your own sense of self, and you will be able to love yourself and then give love to others out of the overflow of that good self-love.

Also, in love, fear is not a good motivator. the best motivator in love, is love.

From a man's point of view, fear of losing a relationship does not strengthen a relationship, it tears it apart. Fear brings mistrust, panic, and upheaval. Of all these, trust will be the hardest to regain. Once a man legitimately fears that a relationship might end, how can he ever trust again? He will have to live with the fear that he may lose this relationship at any time, that it is truly beyond his control. This causes huge trust issues with his partner.

If you want to motivate a man to do better in a relationship, ladies, then love him more. Make him feel safe, not petrified with fear. Fear kills love, because fear is the opposite of love.

Once fear of loss is injected into a relationship, it is doomed.

As The Cucumber Turns

Have you ever bought a jar of pickles, and been really unhappy with them?

I have.


It is 2:42 am, and the temperature outside is

-26 !


Winter is here, with a vengeance!

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Fairer Sex


Women seem to appreciate some things about me. They tend to like my calm personality, they like that I am quiet and easy-going and respectful, that I am a thinker, that I am loyal, that I am not a drinker or a partier, and that I am not too horrible looking.

Unfortunately, after a while, they all seem to want things from me that I am not. They want me to be a Super-Man, instead of just the man that I am. They tend to forget about the good points, and instead see only my faults.

Faults that I am only too aware of, thank you very much! Yes, I know that I am not great with children (nor am I very good at producing them). Yes, I know that I can be boring, lazy, and apathetic. I recognize that I have trouble motivating myself, and I am not very good with change. I have trouble being comfortable with people, and especially with many people in a social setting. I tend not to share a lot about myself, unless I implicitly trust somebody, and that trust has to be earned over time. I am a thinker, not a do-er, so I do not get out and get involved in a lot of activities. A lot of times, I have trouble making decisions, and will just “go with the flow”, allowing others to make the decisions for me and happily going along with that. I can also be stubborn on a few things, especially spiritual matters. Although I think I am a romantic at heart, I have trouble with the daily applications of that romanticism. And when things get rough in my life, I tend to withdraw into myself.

Do any of these things, separately or together, make me a bad person? I don’t think so. I think they just make me…me. We all have a personality, we all have traits, both bad and good, that make us who we are. I am a person who has studied myself, and the personalities of others, and I like to think that I am very conscious of who I am as a person, and have accepted both my good and bad qualities and learned to live with the person that I am. And I think that is a good thing. I know my strengths, and my limitations.

When I like a woman, I like her for who she is, not for what I hope that she might one day be. But it seems to me that women live with a fairy-tale type mentality when it comes to men. They do not want to live in the nitty-gritty details of real life, they want the fairy-tale, happily-ever-after ending. When they like a man, it seems to me that they recognize his good qualities, but they also have high hopes that they can change his more poor tendencies and make him into the man they have always dreamed of having. Whereas men fall in love with the woman before them, and just want that woman to love and respect and support them, and just want to happily live out their days with that woman, the women tend to fall in love with the idea of what this man can be with their own manipulations of him. Men love the woman in front of them; women love the idea of what this man might one day become.

Of course, one of my problems when it comes to meeting (and falling for) women, is that I always want to “rescue” somebody (Knight In Shining Armour Syndrome?). I overlook all the flaws, and reach down and try to see the person deep down within and draw them out. I usually am attracted to women who do not know their own beauty, their own special-ness, and their own potential, and I just naturally want them to discover some of that by being with me. Now, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The problem is, is that I end up being attracted to fatally flawed women. Those with problems too big for them to overcome, or who are too scared to overcome the way their life is right now. And they do not want to change, or they are too scared to change, or they think they do not need to change. And so, I get hurt, and I lose out. I put too much of myself into these women, and they cannot accept that they are lovely and special, and so they run away. And I get left holding the broken pieces of my life.

You know, call me crazy, but just once, I would like to meet a woman who has it all together, who knows who she is, and who likes me for who I am. Does such a woman even exist? Well, it just seems like the way that I have done it in the past, that way is not working for me…

Me and love, we just do not mix too well. Every time I get too close to her, she slaps me in the face.


Women are lovely creatures, one of God’s most amazing creations. Soft, gentle, warm, loving, talkative, sharing, deep-feeling, intuitive, family-oriented, romantically-inclined, homemakers. Nothing about any of my past relationship failures has led me to be down on women. Really, I still believe in the ideal of love, too. Romantic love is a special blessing from God.

Someday, I hope to experience it again. With the right woman. One who accepts me for me.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

anutherr po-em

Posted another new poetic creation. Interested parties can view it here...


Thanx for your support!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Mr. Mister - Broken Wings

Baby, I don't understand
Why we can't just hold on
To each other's hands

This time might be the last
I fear, unless I make it all too clear
I need you so

Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again
And learn to live so free
And when we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up
And let us in
Take these broken wings

Baby, I think tonight
We can take what was wrong
And make it right

Baby, it's all I know
That you're half of the flesh
And blood makes me whole
I need you so

Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again
And learn to live so free
And when we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up
And let us in
Take these broken wings
You got to learn to fly
And learn to live so free
And when we hear the voices sing

Let us in
Let us in

Baby, it's all I know
That you're half of the flesh
And blood makes me whole
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah so

Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again
And learn to live so free
And when we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up
And let us in
Take these broken wings
You got to learn to fly
And learn to live so free
And when we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up
And let us in

Monday, December 15, 2008


Work has been pretty slow lately. What with the weather hovering around minus 25 at nighttime, and not much warmer in the daytime, not many people are braving the cold to come out for any fun and games.

Today hasn't been the best of days for me. Feeling pretty down today. Blech. Combination of a lot of different things, emotional distresses and general life-happiness apathy, that sort of thing. No celebrating Christmas for me this year. Haven't put up any ornaments or trees or nothing. No presents laying around my place. This year, it is just another day. Without people to celebrate it with, it means very little.

Need to re-discover myself, and the meaning to my life, in prayer.


an encouraging devotional...

Stopping Short Of God’s Plan

In his biographical sketch of Abraham Lincoln, Willard Davis presents this information:

Lincoln had been elected president though not even appearing on the ballot in ten states!

Even before arriving in Washington, every mail delivery brought more death threats and ominous warnings. Close friends advised that he resign before taking the oath of office! A plot to assassinate the president-elect had been uncovered forcing the last leg of his trip to Washington to be in the dead of night, without family, under heavy guard, and incognito!

Lincoln refused to stop short of God’s plan. He wrote, “When I went to Gettysburg, and saw the graves of thousands of our soldiers, I then and there consecrated myself to Christ.”

Don’t stop short of God’s plan for your life. When temptation to quit comes, run to Him in prayer. Ask Him to encourage you as only He can. Then trust Him to lead you victoriously through the difficult times.

Precious Lord, I don’t want to stop short of Your plan for my life. Lead me victoriously through the difficult times.

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Hard, The Bad, And The Wasted

It is hard to change one’s life.

I find my self very lonely, and feeling very lost and alone.

I cannot seem to find a real purpose to my life.

Felt like I had one, earlier. I had a hope for my future. I had things to look forward to, and immense faith in God.

Where did I lose all of that? Why did I lose all of that? Where am I now?

God, be merciful to me. Help me. I feel so lost right now. I no longer know what I am doing. In fact, I seem to be doing nothing at all. I am sorry for whatever I have done that got me off of the right path. Please be merciful and speak to me, God. I need You.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

My Take On Repentance

Life is short. That is why I am glad we have been shown by God what repentance is.

See, if it were left up to us sinful humans, we’d be in trouble, wouldn’t we? Life is short, and we only have so much time on this earth. How much time each of us has, we do not know.

Ever think about time, and how we measure it? We measure our age in years. Think about that. We call a 70-year lifespan a good long time to be alive. 70 years. Wow. Wanna get really deep and introspective? Each year is a mere 365 ¼ days long. That’s it. Not all that long a time, now really, is it? Times that by 70 – that is twenty five thousand, 5 hundred and sixty-seven and a half days. Suddenly, once you start thinking about how quickly a day passes, how they just blur from one into another, suddenly that seems like a really short time to live, doesn’t it?

If left up to ourselves, we’d be in trouble. Oh, we might be lucky enough to recognize mistakes that we make…but would we be smart enough to be able to change, or would we keep making the same mistake over and over and over, wasting our entire lives away?

That is why I am glad that God has introduced us to the foundational principle of repentance.

Repentance is more than just thinking that we have done wrong. And repentance is also more than saying we are sorry for doing wrong.

No, repentance goes where we as humans never would; repentance tells us that we have sinned, that we are wrong, and that we need to change.

A few examples of how this benefits us. Let’s say that I screw up in my job. I can admit that I have screwed up. I can be sorry that I have screwed up. But, what happens if I refuse to change my ways, and go on screwing up, for a lifetime? Remember, life is short! Why waste it doing the wrong thing? What if I partner up in life with somebody that I have nothing in common with, somebody who has no common goals with me, someone whom I cannot agree on anything with (even the fundamental important issues of life)? What do I do? Left on my own, I am likely to recognize my mistake, but go on making it anyways. Again, a wasted life. Time is precious.

But here is where repentance makes a difference. Repenting is powerful, and it comes from God as a gift to us; made even more important to us, because we are bound by the constraints of time.

See, if I repent of making a horrible mess of my job, then I not only recognize what I have done, but I make the necessary changes to make sure that this does not keep happening, then I become a better employee. If I am trapped in a relationship with somebody whose core values differ greatly from my own, then I can make the choice, through repentance, to not go on compounding my mistakes by continuing on in something that wastes my valuable time and steals the life out of me.
I used to work with a man who was a compulsive liar. Eventually, nobody believed a single word he said. See, this man did not know the freeing power of repentance. When he would get caught in a lie, he would try to be good for a while, but he would always return all too quickly to his bad habit of lying about everything. He continued in his sin.

Some people will say, “Whoa there, Dredd Sweet! I can understand not lying, and I can understand trying harder in your job; these are all good things that most decent folk can agree on!” [It helps at this point if you imagine the man speaking to spit a spray of tobacco juice into the dirt at his feet, I find]. “But when it comes to talking of leaving relationships, well, that just ain’t scriptural!”

Yeah, you would have a point there. God is in the relationship business, after all. And He is the Author and Creator of marriage; He said that it was good.

Here is my take on this, though. Life is short. Perhaps if we treated life as a truly sacred thing, as a gift from the Divine, then maybe we would understand God and His plan for us a little better. As Christians, who are we to think that we can hook-up with any old person that we choose to, without first counting the cost? I think far too many people on this earth, Christians included, commit themselves to people they have no business committing themselves to. Sometimes it is for passion, sometimes it is because of loneliness, and sometimes because love is just blind. Mostly though, we do not know who we are, so we are unable to truly love ourselves, or to love others.

Look…breaking up any relationship, whether it is a friendship or a marriage, is a horrible thing to go through. But I have watched too many people waste their lives, living in misery because they have no respect for the person they are with, they have no love for them, and they wish the other person were dead. But they go on, staying in that relationship anyways, and causing emotional death and pain to everybody involved. And I ask you; is this what God wants for us? Should we compound our mistakes? If we can get to the place where we admit that it was a mistake to hook up with the person we are in relationship with…then should we not also change our ways, change our patterns, change what we are doing and who we are doing it with? Isn’t it a sin to go on in misery, unbearably unhappy, unable to please the other person?

Life is short, very short. How much of it will you waste, all because you do not understand or accept God’s gift of repentance?

Repentance is the act of seeing you are wrong, admitting the mistake(s) you have made, and determining to change your situation, to change your actions and reactions, to make changes to ensure that the mistakes do not go on or continue.

Life is short; too short to compound mistakes by refusing to fix them. Too short to defeat yourself and your joy and peace in life by refusing to take responsibility for your own sins. Life is too short to not work hard to make sure that you and those around you can enjoy it. After all, chances are, if you are not enjoying your life, then chances are that you are the only one who can change things so that you do enjoy it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008


Compassion is an amazing thing, isn’t it?

Compassion is defined as - Deep awareness of the suffering of another, coupled with the wish to relieve it. A deep awareness of and sympathy for another’s suffering. Sharing the feelings of another, especially feelings of sorrow or anguish. Warm feelings. The humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it. Being disposed to be kind and forgiving towards another. Sorrow or pity for the sufferings of another person. Being sympathetic. Compassion is an understanding of the emotional state of another or oneself. Not to be confused with empathy, compassion is often combined with a desire to alleviate or reduce the suffering of another or to show special kindness to those who suffer. Understanding without judgment. The desire to identify with or sense something of another’s experience; a precursor of caring. The desire to help when a need is discovered.

Compassion is something I believe that I have always had some of.

But lately, in this last year, I have been amazed at the tremendous depths that the feeling or quality of compassion can have.

My compassion, my understanding, my empathy, my sympathy, my non-judgemental understanding, has astounded me.

How can this be, except that this is a gift from God?

Compassion, from God, for another. Isn't it simply amazing?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Moor Thoughts

I refuse to let my spiritual life become a swamp that i get stuck in, because of the failures i have encountered this year.

That being so, here are a few thoughts of mine...

God encouraged me. He whispered His encouragement to me, and He led me to scriptures that encouraged me. At no time did i find a scripture that said, "And God says that He will give you a woman who is an unbeliever, and who belongs to another man." At no time did God go against His laws, nor did He take away free will. God knew the outcome of this all along.

God encouraged me because He loves me. God encouraged me, because He was proud of me. Although not everything that i did, thought, or beleived for was correct, God liked that i put God first, that i depended upon Him, and that i prayed for others. He liked that I shared some of my faith; I either planted seeds, or watered seeds that were already planted. In that sense, I did a good thing, and God was pleased about that.

God did not let me down. God did not lie to me. I let myself get deceived, because i did not pay close enough attention to God's Word, i took my own feelings over His laws. That was my fault.

In the end, i did some good things. I drew close to God, i grew from a spiritual standpoint, i tried to show God's love to somebody who needs it, and i cared deeply for another human being whom God loves. My faith increased. Yes, maybe for the wrong reasons, as I thought that God would give me what i wanted. In time, i will one day be able to clearly see that it was a good thing that God did not give her to me, i am sure.

God wanted me, during this time, to know and understand that He was/is totally capable of doing the miraculous. He is a miracle working God. But He will not compromise His plan for my life, His will for me, for any wishes or desires that I have that go contrary to His will.

So, i choose to thank God for this experience. I choose to be thankful for the lessons that i am learning from this.

Though i am saddened by life, I am still in God's mighty hand, and that is the most important thing.

Facial Wreck-ognition and other thoughts

So, I am growing in my beard. For me, this is a statement. It has been a long time since I had a beard. I think I am doing it, because I can. Because I am single, and learning to be okay with being single (after all, it was my choice to be this way). My beard is a statement, because to me it is a sign that as a single person, I can do what feels good and right to me. I can grow something on my face that may not be attractive to a lot of women, and not worry about it, because I am not looking for (or wanting, right now, or for a good long while) a love relationship in my life. And I am okay with that.

I have noticed something about my beard. I used to have a healthy amount of red hairs in my beard. Most of them are now gone. They have been replaced by an extraordinary amount of white hairs. Huh. Guess I am getting older, then, aren’t I?

It is very easy to hear from God what we WANT to hear from Him. The voice of God within us is a still small voice. To those of us who belong to Him, God’s voice is quite often (if not always) a voice that is on our side. He is for us. He supports us, and loves us. He loves us, because we are His beloved creation, and adopted sons (and daughters) through Jesus Christ. So, most often we hear Him supporting us, encouraging us. He does not tear us down. That being so, it is often too easy to mistake that small voice of pleasure (He is pleased with us), and to think that He supports us in every decision we make, even when our decisions go against His Word.

When we make a decision, or decisions, that strictly go against what God’s Word says, we may hear God saying He loves us, but too often we take that good feeling of love and acceptance from Him and think that we hear God saying that He is pleased with our decisions in life, or with the things we are doing. But that is not necessarily so. Not when we go against His Word. If we are lying or cheating to get ahead, we should not think God is for us in these matters. God must remain true to His Word. He can be displeased with our actions, but still love us for who we are (and because of Who He is). If we choose to “sleep” with somebody who is not our husband/wife, we should not think that God supports that or honours that. If we covet what does not belong to us, we should not think that God is in favour of that bad decision in our life. Sin is sin, no matter how “small” or large it may seem to us, and God is always displeased with our sin. We cannot expect God to honour wilful sin in our lives. The ends do not justify the means, not when the means involves going against God’s laws; all we do is put ourselves in danger, we put ourselves in places that God never meant for us to be and we hurt ourselves, whether we want to admit it or not.

For me, I coveted somebody who did not belong to me. I coveted somebody in a relationship with another person. I wanted God to break up a family unit. I honestly thought God was telling me that He was on my side in this matter. I honestly thought I clearly heard Him say this. But that is impossible. A God Who could go against His own holy laws, is not the God that I know, love, and serve. It was too easy for me to believe that God was honouring my poor decisions in life, because that is what I desperately wanted to hear from Him. But it was a wrong belief. God cannot say something that goes against His Word, no matter what we believe we hear; it is impossible.

I had a nice talk with a few people from work this afternoon. It is nice that people there care about me. Although the advice they give me does not come from a Godly standpoint, and is often wrong for me, still I appreciate that they like me enough to care enough about me to want to advise me in my life. People at my work know me, at least somewhat, and they support me and believe in me. They know I am a good person, and they are on my side in life. That is a nice feeling.

I Feel Stringy, Oh So Stringy !

It is 1:40am. Ah, the life of a bachelor!

I just got home from Denny's restaurant, where my ex-wife and I hung out and had breakfast and chatted.

It is good to have a friend! Especially one that I have known for so long (has it really been 16 years?!?!), and one that I care for (and who reciprocates).

So, here is to you, Stringy! May you find what you deserve in life, and may it be what you desire as well! Youz d'best, you da bomb. Luv ya, babe.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Colours

Being in love is like wearing rainbow coloured glasses. It colours your perceptions.

Certain things I am starting to realize, that I never could before. In some ways, I wish I did not have to face these things; but I do.

Someone told me early in our friendship that she has a real problem with disappointing people, she hates to do it. She doesn’t like to hurt people.

She was too kind to me. When she told me she didn’t want me to be in love with her, she was not forceful enough in how she put it to me. She was being too nice, being worried about hurting me. I wish now that she had been firmer. It would have saved a lot of pain for both of us.

All she wanted was my friendship. But I was convinced that we were supposed to be together at some point. I couldn’t let go. She already had.

I didn’t get the message, because I was seeing things all wrong.

It was too easy for me to fall in love. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I did definitely fall for her. I fell hard. But, after the ending of a long-term relationship, I was very open emotionally. I shared my feelings very easy, and I wanted somebody to be my sounding board. And that was what she was. I also found in her somebody who needed someone to believe in her, and I was that for her. But I should have known that my newfound openness was making it very easy for me to fall in love…

In the end, she was never able to tell me how much it bothered her that I continued to believe we were meant to be together, how much it bothered her that I continued to love her when all she wanted was a friend. She didn’t really want help in her life’s situations, because she may have complained long and hard about her life but she had no real intention of changing her life. My insisting that she should, merely put unwanted pressure on her. It did not help me that she kept insisting that she WAS going to make changes in her life…it kept giving me hope. Hope that never should have been there.

She made her mistakes. I made even more.

I wanted her to love me. I told her that i would eventually wear her down. And, i beleive i would have, if her life situation had been different. I think she knew that too. But her life was organized in such a way, that it was just impossible for it to happen without major changes.

Not only that, but i knew some things about her; i knew that she had never really been loved before, she had never been loved just for who she was. Well, she was when it came to me. But, it was too little too late. She didn't know what love was, and she didn't beleive that she deserved to be loved. That made things pretty tough, because it meant she would never change her life. She would stay in the situation that she was in, because she never really beleived that she was worth being treated better.

I know that i deserve love. And, one day, God willing, i will find it. And it will be glorious. I am just sorry that my blindness cost me a good friend, and i pray that God saves her soul and changes her from within. And that He forgives me. And hopefully one day she will too.

It is funny, how until you view the dead body laying in the casket, that you aren’t able to take those glasses off and see clearly. By then, of course, it is too late.

So, where does that leave me?

Quite honestly, I do not know…

That's The Girl For Me

This is the kind of woman I want in my life…

Wasted Heart – by Duff McKagan’s Loaded

You’re my flower, you’re my road
That I try to stay up on
Even when things, they go wrong
You stay there with me

You don’t stay for what I do
The sleepless nights I drug you through
When I say the things I don’t mean to
You stay there with me

You uncovered this outlaw soul
You should’ve gone baby long ago
But you shined a light where it was dark
On my wasted heart

When I flew, you pulled me down
When I crashed, you were the ground
When my bones scattered all around
You stayed with me

You uncovered this outlaw soul
You should’ve gone baby long ago
But you shined a light where it was dark
On this wasted heart

My wasted heart needed healin’
And you saved it for me
I’ve got a new start, rest your eyes
In time these days will say what I never could

You uncovered this outlaw soul
You should’ve gone baby long ago
But you shined a light where it was dark
On my wasted heart

You uncovered this outlaw soul
You should’ve gone baby long ago
But you shined a light where it was dark
On my wasted heart

Friday, December 5, 2008


A few thoughts…

Just gazing at the fresh blanket of snow on the ground. Everything covered in whiteness.

The snow is like the blood of Christ; it covers up sins and mistakes, and makes everything new and clean.
The snow is like a fresh sheet of canvas on a painter’s easel. It is a clean start, a new beginning. Untapped potential for greatness and beauty.

I do not know where my life is going right now. Nothing for me has turned out like I thought, like I expected, like I hoped. So why do I still sense a little cluster of faith within myself?

Why do people lash out at others when they are angry, scared, or hurt? Why do people push away those that care about them, when they most need them? Why can’t people be quick to forgive, and why can’t people forgive themselves?

Why does everything that is worth something, have to be so damned hard to accomplish?

How much pain and disappointment can a person take, and still stay on their feet?

Why is God silent, when we most need to hear from Him? Or, why can we not hear from Him, when we most want to; what stops us from hearing His voice?

When does faith cross the line, and become false hope? And what is the difference between the two?

Why are women so hard to understand? And why do so many of them treat the men in their lives so badly?

No sooner do I finish writing this all down, I check my email and find this Daily Devotional in it…

God Is for You

He will rejoice over you. You will rest in his love; He will sing and be joyful about you.
Zephaniah 3:17 (NCV)

God is for you. Turn to the sidelines; that's God cheering your run. Look past the finish line; that's God applauding your steps. Listen for Him in the bleachers, shouting your name. Too tired to continue? He'll carry you. Too discouraged to fight? He's picking you up. God is for you.

God is for you. Had He a calendar, your birthday would be circled. If He drove a car, your name would be on his bumper. If there's a tree in heaven, He's carved your name in the bark....

"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne?" God asks in Isaiah 49:15 (NIV). What a bizarre question. Can you mothers imagine feeding your infant and then later asking, "What was that baby's name?" No. I've seen you care for your young. You stroke the hair, you touch the face, you sing the name over and over. Can a mother forget? No way. But "even if she could forget,... I will not forget you," God pledges (Isa. 49:15).

Does God still cheer your run from the bleachers, when you are bloody and bruised, laying in the mud on the field with two broken legs and no way to get up, let alone advance the ball?
Is God still applauding my steps, when I have knocked over every hurdle on the track?
Does God still call my name from the bleachers, even when I have become a laughing-stock? Even when I have become an embarrassment? Even when everything I have tried to do for Him, has been an abysmal failure? When I have let everyone down? When my believing in Him, has seen everything in my life turn to ruin and destruction?
I guess that is what I need to find out. And soon…

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Hi. I have written and posted a new poem here...
