Saturday, January 31, 2009

the way of God?

So i sat down this afternoon to do my devotionals (i got up late).

My first devotional, the scripture reading for it was 1st Samuel chapters 9 and 10. What the devotional was about, is unimportant. What is important to me, is what God does and what God imparts.

I always pray before I read the Bible. I want God to use what I read, and I want the Holy Spirit to have free reign to speak to me.

So, I read chapter 9. As I am just starting to read chapter 10 verse 1, I suddenly start to cry (for no apparent reason). Nothing I had read so far touched my heart or spoke to me. Here is what verse 1 of chapter 10 says...Then Samuel took the vial of oil, and poured it on Saul's head, and kissed him, and said, Has not the Lord anointed you to be prince over His heritage today?

It is a beautiful verse. It certainly goes along with some of the good things that I have been speaking into my own life lately, positive affirmations about myself.

Verse 2 shook me. I have read it before. God has led me to this verse before (this chapter before) during this last year of my life. But, as far as I could tell, until I read verse 2, I did not know that it was coming...

When you have left me today, you will meet two men by Rachel's tomb in the territory of Benjamin at Zelazh, and they will say to you, The donkeys you sought are found, and your father has quit caring about them, and is anxious for you, asking, What shall I do about my son?

Rachel's tomb. The death of Rachel. Leaving Rachelle behind, and going on.

I beleive that God is showing me, once again, that he knew Rachelle and I would not get back together. I think that it is rigth that i had to go past the tomb, i had to go and see if there was any life there, but htere was not. But, once i went past, then and only then shall i find answers to my questions and an ending to what i search for.

Perhaps i have to wait a little longer. Perhaps until the judge's signature on the papers, Rachelle cannot be put into the tomb. Maybe. With God, who knows?

There are a lot of great things in 1st Samuel chapter 10. I would encourage people to pray, then open their Bibles and read chapter 9 and 10 of 1st Samuel.

It's good stuff. It's God's stuff.

Perhaps there is even more to this verse than i had first thought. Seems like God is saying that now, now is the time that He starts to say, "What shall I do for my son Allan? How shall I help and bless him?" God is no longer worried about the work. God is no longer worried about the donkeys. I can stop feeling like an ass now (ha ha!), and come back home to my loving Father God. He cares about me, and He is concerned about me, much more concerned about me than He ever was about what I was doing or what I was searching for. It isn't what I do that excites my God, He just loves to be with me and to bless me. Isn't that awesome?!!

God, You are so good. Bless me, so thatYou can get the glory for it.

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