Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Well, I have not heard an answer to my important question yet.

Interesting, how God keeps encouraging my faith in this matter, though.
Faith is not easy. That I am learning. Some days I need more encouragement than others. Some days I do not listen to that encouragement, and get very discouraged. Some days, I get my eyes off of a miracle-working God, and onto the problems I am facing; I spend too much time judging the size of the giants, and not enough time worshipping my awesome God and Father.

I tend to forget about His strength in battle, and have to be reminded of it time and time again by Him. And today, God has reminded me that, for right now at least, He is asking from me blind-faith; I have to trust that He is moving and is at work with His strong arm, even though I am far enough removed from the situation that I cannot see Him moving or the effects of His work in this situation. It may be that I never know that He is at work, until God appears and tells me that the victory has been won and my opponents are dead on the field of battle, and it is time to take what is mine.

Faith is hard. It has been a long, hard, difficult waiting period of trusting and hoping and crying and praying and being strengthened and feeling weakened. It has been nine months that i have battled in faith. Please pray that God continues to mold me into the man that He needs me to be…no matter how much it hurts.

Today’s devotional, which spoke so hugely to me…

Suffering A Faith Failure

Scripture Reading: Numbers 13-14
Key Verse: Proverbs 3:5,6 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

The spies’ report was very negative and discouraging. The Israelites spent the entire night weeping and mourning. The situation seemed hopeless.

Under God’s direction, Moses had led them triumphantly out of Egypt toward their final destination – the promised land. But now they were stuck in the desert outside a land filled with menacing giants.

At a critical point in time – the moment of challenge – the Israelites took their eyes off the Lord and looked only at the obstacles. Because they forgot God’s promise and listened to false information, an entire generation wandered and died in the desert, never even getting a glimpse of the land of milk and honey.

Are you facing a challenge to your faith? Is God calling you to a task that seems unreasonable? Don’t assess the situation by your limited resources; failure to see things God’s way may cause you to miss His blessing, and others may be hurt. Disobedience is always followed by disappointment and disillusionment.

Remember what God has done for you in the past, and trust Him to deal with the impossible. You cannot be defeated when you follow God’s plan in confident faith.

Precious Father, as I face my spiritual journey today, help me view each challenge in terms of Your resources instead of my limited strength. Give me faith to deal with the impossible.

I really appreciated this word today. God is so good.

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