Sunday, March 22, 2009


So, this afternoon i am sitting in the drive thru lineup at Tim Horton's. It is a nice spring day, and my window is rolled down.
A woman in a vehicle two behind me calls out to this elderly couple who has just exited Tim Horton's and are getting into their car. She implores the elderly gentleman to make sure that he teaches "my generation's men" to open doors for their women, becuz the men do not do that anymore. The elderly lady says that her husband has had 92 years of practice.

This dialogue exchange both saddened me, and angered me.

Women do not seem to understand that they have all of the power in relationships. But they have exchanged everything that they want, for cheap pleasures.
If women want men to treat them with respect, then, quite honestly, and excuse my bluntness, but the women need to learn how to keep their legs closed and how to act like ladies.
You stop giving men what they want (sex on demand), and they will learn how to treat you the way that you want them to. As soon as you give them what they want without long-term commitment (marriage), then men stop working to respect you; they just lust after you.

This does not excuse men, and they way that we treat women. But when women decided to reach for sex-on-demand and the quick-fix of "make me feel good now", they lost everything they actually wanted from men.

I want a woman, one who honestly WANTS to wait until we are married. And i want to learn how to treat her the right way, over the dating and courtship period of time, so that our married life will thrive and flourish. I want to do things God's way, the right way, the good way, the only way that works; and I want a woman who wants the same thing.

I've tried it the other way. Even with my best intentions, it did not work.
Only God's way works.
That is why He is God, and I am not.

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