Friday, March 13, 2009

His faithful servant I would be...

Hey there. It is 10:18pm, and I just got back from Kelowna. My daughter and I went to see the movie “Coraline”. She loved it. It was a bit dark and creepy for my tastes, but I did appreciate the cat in the movie a lot. I’ve started to ask God that the next special woman in my life, could she please be a cat lover? My daughter left her stuffed puppy in the movie theatre by accident, and is scared she has now lost it. I have prayed and asked God to return it safely to her.

Well, I was thinking as I was driving home, while worshiping along with my favourite album (FFH’s Worship In The Waiting)…

Y’know, some people might not understand what happened between Melanie and me. I accept that. People are people, and they see things differently. But, here is something that I do know, recognize, and realize about that situation…

God sent me into Melanie’s life (and she into mine) for a reason. Above all, that reason was what first got me interested in her – that Godly spark within her. She has an unanswered call on her life, and the first (and most important) part of that call, is her salvation. I prayed for Melanie, fervently. I prayed for her salvation. I told God I would gladly give up everything, if only he would save her. And, in the end, that is exactly what I did; I lost her, I lost the chances of her love, the chances of her friendship, I lost everything where she is concerned. And, I can only hold on to my faithful belief that God is going to save her, and is going to change her life big-time.

I was put into Melanie’s life, because God needed somebody there. He needed somebody to recognize that He was calling her, He needed somebody to converse with her about spiritual matters, He needed somebody to pray for her, He needed somebody to love and appreciate her just as she is, He needed somebody to share His love for her, and He needed somebody to be an example to her.

He could have used anybody. He chose to use me. Let me rephrase that last sentence. I did not choose for Melanie to come along, nor did I choose for my soul to get entwined with hers; God chose me. And, not because I was the best for the job, but because I was WILLING. God never demanded of me that I save her. God never scolded or berated me because she did not fall down at God’s feet and accept Him into her heart. No, God gave me the biggest of daddy hugs, and told me that I did good. Why? Simple; because I was faithful. God said “go,” and I went. I was scared, but I persevered. I was alone, but I hung on to God. I was frustrated, but I believed. And, I still believe. God has good things planned for her. I am no hero – I did not ride in, save her, shine my white-toothed smile, and ride off into the sunset with her. But, at the same time, I did something I have never done before, and I never would have believed that I was capable of; I loved somebody in spite of the way they treated me (particularly towards the end), I believed God even though that belief made me look foolish, and I shared His love with somebody who needed to hear it. I was faithful to God’s call. That was all that God asked of me – to be faithful, and to allow Him to do the rest. He used me, because I was willing to be used. I did not fail – I did what God asked me to do. There was no failure here, because God is still at work in her life – He is just no longer using me. The work has been passed on.

God is good. Thank You, Lord, for using me, and allowing me to be used.

I’ve got a lot in me to give. Most of it, is God.

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