Friday, September 10, 2010

Me And Mik

Me and my online buddy Mik from Australia are having an 'interesting' conversation

over at, all about how Christians are portrayed in comic books. It is interesting, in that we have discoverd that the definition of "Christian", to most people means "Catholic, or Episcipolean church member, maybe Lutheran or United, somebody who goes to church on occasion, or has been to church before, somone who believes there is a God, or amybe somebody whose parents went to church or beleived in God."

It's frustrating to have a discussion about Christianity with a bunch of people who refuse tp accept your definition of what a Christian is; especialy frustrating, since I AM one, therefore I should know!

But the world cannot accept my definition of what I am, because they do not understand it...

We live in a world where people do not even know what a Christian is fact, I have met many beleivers who seem to have forgotten that it wasn't going to church that made them a Christian (any more than standing in their garage has made them a car)...

In comic books, if you are shown as a Christian, a true Bible-believing Christian, then you are most assuredly shown blowing up an abortion clinic or leading people in a revolt against gays (or mutants) or people of another race and blowing them up or shooting them or otherwise having very violent tendencies. Basically put, the only portrayal in comics of people with my system of beliefs, is that of a violent, radical, terrorist nut-job.

When I realize things like this, I REALLY can't wait for Jesus to return.

This explains to me why He has to separate the sheep from the goats. He certainly cannot just grab everybody who goes to church and take them to heaven, because probably a vast majority of those who go to church, aren't Christians.

Lord, come quickly.

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