Tuesday, July 14, 2009

upsetting the balance

A just had a thought. It happened while listening to the following song in my car. The song was both sobering and awe-inspiring. See below.

DeGarmo & Key – “Let’s Get Upset”

I was raised in America when streets were safe
And children learned to pray, learned to pray.
Things have changed, and it's not the same,
The hand of God that we felt has gone away, gone away.

Let's get upset! And turn this country upside down!
Let's get upset! With Jesus' help we'll turn this land around.

We used to blush at vulgarity,
Now we watch while the TV plays all night, plays all night.
Used to stand with our backbones strong,
Now the drugs turn our courage into fright; It's not right.

Let's get upset! And turn this country upside down!
Let's get upset! With Jesus' help we'll turn this land around.

If we Christians pray, the Lord will clear the way,
We are examples to the rest.
And if we place God first,
He will heal all our hurts,
And we will see our country blessed, blessed.

Let's get upset! And turn this country upside down!
Let's get upset! With Jesus' help we'll turn this land around.
Let's get upset!
Let's get upset!
With Jesus' help we'll turn this land around!
Let's get upset!
Let's get upset!

So, here is my thought…

When I was young, I looked to the adults in my life, the adults around me, my parents and my pastors, to be the ones to lead the charge for glory. If God needed things done on this earth, they were the ones to do it. They answered His call.

Now, I look around, and I see a hell-bound humanity that is running away from God and embracing sickness and disease and sin at an alarming rate. I see the economy failing, politicians making things worse, and people despairing. I see a world that is ripe for the coming of the anti-christ. I feel sickened in my spirit.

And then, then I realize something, something sobering and awe-inspiring both; if God wants to do anything in this earth, “I” am the one who must now stand up and be used! I am the adult now. I am the maturing Christian that God desires to use to reach out to a lost world. He wants to heal people, and He wants to use me. Signs and wonders? Yup, He wants to do those through me as well. When God desires somebody to stand up and sound an alarm to His people, that somebody He desires to use? Yep, once again, that is me!

I am the person that others around me once were. Nobody else is gonna do it for me anymore. It is my responsibility. My duty. My privilege. It is up to me. I have to be willing. I have to jump up and down on my fear and stand up in faith and move forward. I have to listen to God and obey Him. Me. It is all up to me

God, may I be found willing, and then You make me able.

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