Saturday, December 1, 2007


1. OUR Weather…
I just walked home from work. It is 12:23am Saturday morning/Friday night. It is minus 10 degrees outside. Cold walk, but invigorating.
I was listening to the weather tonight. The experts are all predicting the worst/harshest winter we will have seen in 15 years or so (Gee…how does that work, what with this Global Warming we have been hearing so much about?). Locally, Saturday night is expected to see 10 centimetres of snow, with more snow falling on Sunday. Monday morning the temperature will start to go up, with freezing rain and nasty driving conditions expected, and Tuesday will be even warmer with more rain. This is supposed to be the worst storm of the season, and it is coming right for us. Expect all the passes through the mountains to be closed up tight!
2. THE Weather…
I was also listening tonight to the weather forecast on CTV News, Canada-wide. They had on a man who was a Historical Meteorologist. Basically put, he looks at weather in the context of history. He stated that there is no Global Warming happening. This fellow says (sorry, I missed his name) that the Southern Hemisphere has been cooling for over 20 years, and the Northern Hemisphere has been steadily cooling since 1998 (I think he forgot to mention that the 1998 “facts” about high temperatures were actually “made up” fallacies, not fact at all). He basically went on to say that Global Warming isn’t really happening, and that a large number (and growing) of scientists know this for a fact, and that we here in Canada should be far more concerned with Global Cooling – we live in a Northern Country, and even a one degree rise in Earth’s temperatures would mean that we would no longer be able to grow enough food here to feed ourselves.

Hmph. So much for the Warming then. If you haven't figured it out by now, people, the Global Warming doesn't exist, it is a lie. Global Warming is NOT about the weather, it is about a bully (the UN) working hand in hand with unscrupulous companies to take your freedoms away from you and to enslave you forever.

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