Sunday, March 18, 2007

comics and the Irish Holy Day

Well, I am pleased to announce that this last week I was able to purc hase an E-Bay auction of 15 Alpha Fligth comics that I did not already own. This makes my quest to get all of the Alpha Flight comics much easier now, as now I only need 26 more to complete my set of Alpha Flight Volume I ( I also need approximately 16 comics in Volume II, and 12 comics in Volume III).
And, OF COURSE (big smiles all around), what I like to think of as Alpha Flight Volume IV, Omega Flight, is due to commence next month.
Anybody interested, can read much more about my love of comics, and Canadian heroes Alpha Flight, in my Alpha Flight blog at .

Also, I really thought my St. Patrick's Day was going to suck this year. Instead of celebrating my Irish heritage in the traditional ways, I fully intended to wallow in misery. See, it is just me and the cats at my home right now, R and C are on holidays in "another province which will remain nameless to protrect the innocent" visiting family. So, there was really no point in cooking up any traditional Irish meals, and there was nobody to drink Irish whiskey with and make traditional Irish toasts. *Sigh* - yup, it wasn't going to be a good St Paddy's Day for me at all. I was going to go out and buy a big green Irish hat to wear to work that day, but I ended up having to buy a green t-shirt (I apparently do not own any) to wear, and also I ordered some comics from E-Bay (scroll up to read more about that), so I ended up not buying a hat because I figured I had spent enough money already.

So, what made my Irish Holy-Day better? Well, I got to apply for a new position at work, and will find out in two days whether or not I got it (promotion! promotion!). My boss even, if I read him correctly, seemed pleased that I applied for the job opening. Also, just moments before I got off of work, with about 15 minutes left in St. Patrick's Day, I was given a green-sprinkled shamrock-shaped shortbread cookie. *Sigh* - makes me wish I had my camera here (it is gone on vacation with the rest of the family who are not me), I almost had a tear in my eye as I gazed lovingly at the semi-yummy little thing!

So, it is amazing - my St. Paddy's Day was not at all traditional, I did not do any of the things I normally try to do on it, but yet...somehow, it was a little bit satisfying.

Slainte mhath!

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